Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medical practice, involves the use of ultra-thin sterile needles. It’s a painless and highly calming experience. The core principles aim to boost Qi (the body’s vital energy), leading to increased blood flow, nerve activity, and the release of blood cells and biochemicals.
Our first appointments are extended to ensure we gather a detailed case and health history, conduct a thorough examination (if appropriate), make a diagnosis using both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medical insights. Your first session will also include a treatment, involving the use of fine sterile acupuncture needles, with the possible addition of other suitable techniques like cupping and gua sha.
Book Your Initial Appointment
We’ll spend a bit more time with you for your first appointment. This ensures we find out all we need to know before we get started.
Phone: 0716 401 581
Email: [email protected]
Initial Consultations ~ 60mins R1150
Your initial consultation will include an in depth review and then your treatment.
Follow up ~ 45mins R850
We will review your previous appointments and results and work to target problem areas.
Immune Support Moxa Treatments ~ 30mins R600
We will review your previous appointments and results and work to target problem areas.
Could Acupuncture Be Right For You?
Not sure? Book a FREE call with our Acupuncturist
If you are not ready to book an appointment with our Acupuncturist at the moment and still have some questions and would prefer to talk to somebody at Healthy EnerQi before you commit to anything, then please fill out the below contact form. We will then arrange for our Acupuncturist to call you to answer all of the questions that you have over the telephone.